Author Archives: admin

Internet Of Things

How Should you Prepare an IT Network for the Internet of Things?

February 8, 2020

Several complexities are arising when new devices and appliances are embedded into the existing IT infrastructure. It may lead to loss of data and stalled supply chains if the network is failed in a commercial context. Now the internet users …

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Blockchain Technology

How the Blockchain Secure your Important Data?

February 6, 2020

According to market research,blockchain technology has taken the world by storm. To secure the data, people can share their data with others in a secure and tamper-proof platform. Now securing the data is the most critical priority for businesses around …

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Blockchain Image

How Blockchain Can Resolve Concerns Around Electronic Health Records

April 3, 2019

Blockchain and its capabilities within the financial services industry has certainly claimed the limelight over the years. However, another very real use of distributed ledger technology has slowly become prevalent. This time, it concerns an area that is very personal …

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Text Analytics  In Pursuit of the Holy Grail of Customer Experience

November 16, 2018

The movement from customer satisfaction to customer experience! 10 years ago, customer satisfaction was thought of as the be all and end all for business success. Businesses rarely went further than ensuring that their customers were happy and satisfied. Customer …

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Conversational Marketing Through Social Media – The Way Forward

September 24, 2018

Conversational Marketing  The Why Generating a sale is the holy grail for all businesses. A business entity, irrespective of size, location, sector or industry, will only survive if it manages to sell its goods or services. Deep within every …

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Blockchain and Banks – Boon or Bane

August 10, 2018

Blockchain and Banks  Boon or Bane? Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, has now been around for a decade. As such, most people who are even remotely associated with the financial system, have an idea of what blockchain is and …

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Is IoT Enough?

July 13, 2018

One look at the number of people sporting fitness trackers today gives us fair idea about how the Internet of Things (IoT) has made an impact on the everyday modern life. Fitness trackers and IoT, we hear you say? Despite …

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Robotic Process Automation  Big Bang or Go Slow?

June 22, 2018

With so much talk relating to Robotic Process Automation (RPA), it has become a continuously used word (after all, it is in fact an acronym) for anyone even remotely connected with technology and digital. It is now heard that often …

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Do Customers Care About Digital?

June 7, 2018

Do customers care about digital? Unfortunately, probably not. Despite the noise being made about the digital customer experience, more often than not businesses and organisations often overlook what their customers feel and care about in relation to the digital experience. …

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Digital Transformation is Not Just About Technology

May 23, 2018

Business, as usual, was considered a great achievement for most of the organisations in the past but in todays world digital is at the frontline of change. And, whilst digital technologies continue to transform the economy, todays successful businesses have …

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